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You are here: Home --> Forum Home --> Brewing Forum --> Gear/Equipment --> Gear I'm always looking for...

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Charter Member
The Internet
314 Posts

In case anyone ever comes across it, I just thought I'd throw the flag that I'm always on the look out for certain pieces of gear.  Please drop me a line if you ever see it on sale at a good price or you're selling it yourself.

* Sanke kegs.  Because of legal considerations, I'll only purchase new sankes unless it's from a brewery or an authorized source.  Please don't contact me with Craigslist crap or kegs of questionable origin.  I'm looking for mostly 1/6 bbl, 1/8 bbl, 12L, and 10L.  Basically, anything 5gal and under.

* Essential oil distiller.  I'd prefer one made with borosilicate glass or any lab grade setup.  Do not contact me with shiner stills.

* An actual spunding valve made for TC.  2" TC would be lovely.  I'd dig something that connects directly to a sanke tap coupler if TC isn't an option.

* Lab gear that would be of use to a brewer.  Microscope (preferable with a computer interfacable camera), hemocytometer, digital refractometer, etc.

* Malting equipment.

I'll update this list if I think of anything else.  Thanks!

Posted 34 days ago.

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